* Writing and Editing are two separate, and different processes.
* Writing and Editing are two separate, and different processes. It is that important.
* Write first. Edit later.
* Write first. Edit later. It is that important.
* Outline only if it works for you.
* Write every day.
* Write what you want to read, not what you think someone else will.
* Keep a ritual.
* Stick to it.
* When you are not writing, read.
* Read a lot.
* Read everything: comics, newspapers, novels, magazines, screenplays, poetry, billboards, tattoos, mustard wrappers, everything.
* Read your own writing. Out loud.
* Read other people’s writing. Out loud.
* Don’t read to comprehend. This is about writing.
* Read to write. Notice the context, flow, and tone.
* Listen to people speak.
* Don’t listen to comprehend. This is about writing.
* Notice the context, flow, and tone.
* Write with different tools: keyboard, pencil, ink pen, crayon, dirt, whatever.
* Write on different mediums: grid paper, lined paper, blank paper, cardboard, LCD, canvas, dirt, whatever.
* Write in different places, but keep and maintain a Writing Home.
* Tell everyone you write: your family, your friends, the postman, the prostitutes, everyone.
* But don’t tell anyone exactly what you are writing: not even the prostitutes.
* Strike dead every should you have about writing.
* Put aside this list, and every other piece of advice, or book, or adage about writing ever offered.
* And write every day.
Snatched from here:
I'm both a writer and an editor by profession, and I wish I could tattoo that first part on the hand of every writer I have worked with. Except the ones who refuse to be edited! But yes, write it! That's why there are editors in the world - do your job and we can do ours.
Great point, edw. Also, I know from a writing perspective, that one can't get the writing done if they keep editing along the way. Thx for the comment!
How's YOUR writing coming, Nienke? I know you took a new job and that it's been keeping you busy but I hope not too busy to write!
I did NaNo last year and will do it again this year. I put my novel away for 6 months (per Stephen King) and when I pulled it out, decided that it was salvagable but needed some major reworking. I may try blocking it out in an outline as my plot seems to go all over the place. Anyway, all is not lost - it was just in hiding for a while!
It seems as my craving to write is coming back, so is my craving to blog and return to my writing community!
6 months of hiding sounds like good advice! Now I just need to complete something I can hide...
I like these tips.
So very true.
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