Uploaded my book cover to my NaNoWriMo page today. My story will be new age fiction with a hint of mystery. Title: Lost & Found.
I don't have a set outline or my plotting done yet, but I have many ideas floating around in my head. I met with my friend Melly last evening and we went over some ideas. We plan on getting together a few times throughout the month (both virtually and physically).
A couple of NaNo articles / posts of interest:
How do you write 50,000 words in 30 days?
Some helpful links to writing tools.
2007 NaNoWriMo Pep Talks
Routines for Writers - lots of great articles and tips for Nanoers.
The 13-Step Method to reach 50,000 words
More great Nano articles
One writer's journey through NaNoWriMo 2008
Another writer's NaNo journey
Good luck all! And don't forget to friend me!
Thanks for the linkage...and good luck!
Good luck! Turns out I'm going to miss Day 1 as Sean and I are going into Vancouver for the day and I imagine he'll be a tad frustrated if I drag my laptop along *g*. But I WILL take a notebook/pen for the ferry lineup, so hopefully I might get some words in.
I've got to go clean house in anticipation of father-in-law's arrival, but first chance I get, I'll be back to check out your links. Thanks so much for posting them. Good luck with NaNo!
Good luck, Nienke! Love the cover of your book. :-)
Oh! I LOVE the cover of your book! How did you do that????
I'm actually behind where I was last year. I started out with one idea, then decided I didn't want to be that depressed for a whole month (better to save that for spring). So desperately looking for an idea, I picked up Classical Myths - a teacher's text on mythology and realized as I was thumbing through that each of my brothers could fit personalities of the gods and/or titans. I haven't quite decided which they are, but I have my title:
The Brotherhood of Gods
The Brotherhood of the Titans
I still need to find my story, but the characters are lining up nicely now!
Good luck, Nienke!!!!
Best of luck!!!
I'm sure the book will be massive!!
Invited hereby to my site
please be. You see I poems write
and knight like fight and youth alight.
That photo says it. Godly, right?
I want more readers. I want you
to come as if out from the blue
and tell me what I write is true
and make my motivation new.
Why you? This is not spam, God’s dear.
I stand by what I do. I care.
Your senseless love to me I fear.
I mean it. I am good. Take care.
Visit: Poems of A.W.E.
Good luck and all the best. ")
Excellent book cover! Certainly intriguing! Just came upon your site and I wish you well with your endeavors!:)
Thanks a ton for the links. The cover of the book is good. Any will think of reading the book by just the glimpse of title.
Have you or any found what they lost??
I got a backlink comment telling me you've tagged my blog. I had to stop by and say thanks for the link!
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